Sunday, November 29, 2009

Amidst triumph, lies irrelevance

In the midst of determination to be great, there is doubt for the cause.
A drive to succeed, win, for greatness, fame, dampened by innate knowledge that we will all one day die.
Leave a legacy, for what? for fame after death when it is no longer of any consequence?
I can have the cleanest room, the most expensive clothes, do the greatest things and hear praises from all ends of the earth, and for what? To die and leave it all behind? I can't take it where I'm going, wherever that is.
All the life experiences are of no consequence. This life is a fleeting moment, and our presence here will pass. And when it does, and we leave behind our legacy to those in the next generation, they too will pass, and if we are remembered? Revered? If school children across the nations sleep through lectures on our accomplishments? What consequence is it to us? How will it affect us in whatever state of afterlife exists? All that we do here is lost in the grand scheme of things. It is humbling in the most useless way, since I will only continue along this path with this knowledge in the back of my head, dampening the triumph.

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