Friday, July 17, 2009

"Through difficulty.. Sweetness"

What's the point in battling difficulty, in struggling, if only to just survive? To drag yourself out of the hard times, barely hanging on, exhausted and beat down?
If I have to have difficulty in my life, if I have to struggle, if I have to hurt, I want to take something from it. I want it to force me to grow and I want to learn and come out of it stronger each time. I want to be triumphant.
There's no breaking down, I want to pass all these tests, I'm scared to death of choosing the wrong options, but when I'm through with it all, I want to be proud of who I am, what I've done and who I've become. I want to be able to look back and say that I was strong and stood my ground when it was hard.
"Through difficulty lies opportunity."
And I am determined to find the opportunity in each and every difficulty.
There may not always be an easy sweet side, but there will always be an opportunity.

Muse sums it all up: "I'm not breaking down, I'm breaking out."

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