Saturday, May 28, 2011

Existing is easier in these places

The birds chirp here, and there is an overwhelming peace in the gentle breeze and the softly swaying flowers by the lake.

And more energizing than caffeine is passion; Such effortless happiness, that comes with the beauty of wild things. And the waking smell of sweet grass on pastureland; The sun shining on top of the water in the dam, and the dock that stretches out over it, begging passers to disturb the stillness with a jump.

And oh, how easy to indulge. The smooth, light wood underfoot quickly, to the warm water, so soft on skin. How easy to exist here.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Sunshine whispers "I was here all along, but your eyes had grown dark, as had the one you'd cast them on." And I saw it was true, and the last bitter, cloudy film slipped away into the place where lost photo strips and bad dreams are forgotten and go to rest and the light flooded my eyes and all the dark places filled with the bright things that had been there all along.